Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Back to School Prep

Ahh it is that time of year again. Some mothers are dreading it, others rejoicing.

For our family, it becomes a busy time but one full of hope. 

It was not all that many years ago that we were not even sure our daughter would participate in a mainstream school. She was very delayed, had several issues as a toddler. We did every support service out there. Today she is going into grade 5. Not only is she in a mainstream school and class, but she is near the top of her class and brings home awards in all disciplines...academics, arts and sports.

My youngest son was a real worry as well. When we first took him to school I had very real fears around if he would even stay on the grounds. He was very disconnected, had numerous "behaviours" that made him troublesome during his K and grade 1 years. That was, until with the support of our team we defined better the sources of his issues and treated him. Now, he is connected, can be told when his choices are going awry and he self adjusts most of the time.

So yes, we had much fear at the beginning of school years in the past. Now we are full of hope and looking forward to watching our kids reach their potentials.

This year, I am free to focus on the more "normal" back to school stuff rather than something more akin to a crisis management warfare plan. 

Things like... First day outfits. School supplies. Cleaning out closets and dressers to make way for new, bigger stuff.

So, it "seems/seams" to me this is a good time to get back to something for me. My blogging. I have " topics" and can talk about those things that all us  moms are going through this time of year...back to school prep.

Tomorrow is the dreaded "back to school shopping". The back to school part is certainly joyful now for me....it is the getting ready for it that may strike crippling fear in me. 

Come check in tomorrow to see if I survived....
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